Special Competences


The legislator has allocated a number of special competences to the Federal Supreme Court, in particular: Sec. 16 AVAG (Recognition and Enforcement Act), Sec. 230 BauBG (Federal Code of Construction Law), Sec. 204 BEG (Federal Act for the Compensation for Victims of the Pursuit by National Socialists), Sec. 111 BNotO (Federal Code concerning Notaries), Secs. 145, 165 BRAO (Federal Code concerning Lawyers), Sec. 61 DRiG (Federal Code concerning judges), Sec. 29 EGGVG (Introductory Act to the German Court Constitution Act ), Sec. 167 FMStFG (German Financial Market Stabilization Fund Act), Sec. 159 GVG (Court Constitution Act), Secs. 84, 94 GWB (Antitrust Law), Sec. 28 IntFamRVG (Act on International Family Law Procedure ), Sec. 2 LwVerfG (Act on court proceedings in agricultural matters), Sec. 110 PatG (Patent Act), Sec. 90 PAO (Code concerning patent lawyers), Sec. 36 PUAG (Act on Investigation Committees in the German Bundestag, Sec. 97 StBerG (Code concerning Tax Counseling), Sec. 77 WirtschaftsprüferO (Public Accountant Act) , Sec. 36 ZPO (Code of Civil Procedure).